
Privacy statement



Personal data

If you are a registered attendee, this means that we process your personal data. Our Privacy statement explains exactly what this involves, what type of personal data we process and why, what your rights are, and who to contact if you have any questions about your privacy.

We treat personal data and other information provided by visitors to this website with the utmost care. We use personal data and other information exclusively for the purposes described in the privacy statement.

Processing of personal data

All data collected through our website is treated in strict confidence. Personal data provided, for example, when filling in details to register, is used only for the purpose for which it was provided and is not disclosed to third parties.

Processing of data on website visits

We collect and analyse data on website users, such as the number of visitors, the most frequently visited pages, and the time spent per visit. We use ‘cookies’, i.e. small text files placed on your computer’s hard drive, to analyse how visitors use our website. Further information on the use of cookies on this website, including our cookie guidelines, is available on the Cookies page.

When we prepare statistics on the use of our website, we anonymise visitors’ IP addresses by removing the final section of each IP address. This means that we can identify a visitor’s country, but not his or her precise location.

Privacy policies of other websites

This privacy statement does not apply to other websites that you can visit by clicking on links on this website. We are not responsible either for the contents of these websites or for the processing of personal data or other information by the managers of these websites.

Any questions?

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about matters concerning the protection of your privacy. You can send an email to:

Get in Touch

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